Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Good afternoon. Since it has been just over 3 years since the last post on here I thought it was time for a new post. I am not going to post very often on the Styles are fine in 2009 since I don't think anyone was reading it. I am going to attempt to do better on here. I check Joleane's Laurie's and Elizabeth's blogs several times a day and I love, sort of keeping up on the family. Blogging seems to be a great journal, so for that reason I hope to work on this blog more often. It will probably be more for Papa and Nana's benefit and interest I think but that is okay too.
I am going to include photos as well and since we don't really have much going on besides work for Papa, babysitting for Nana and our church callings I thought I would add updates on what we are doing around here, craft and sewing projects, and recipes. Again this is to help me if I need to know how I made something.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Pumpkin Patch well worth the work

What a surprise the pumpkin patch has turned out to be.

We planted corn, beans, tomatoes, cucumbers, squash,

and pumpkins with the pumpkins being my domain.

I just wanted to grow 4 medium size pumpkins for

Emme, Calvin, Logan, and Taylor and a small one for

Leona. I am so amazed at how well and how big they are

becoming. I love it. There are no small ones and I am not

sure we even have any medium ones. We do have 6

beautiful pumpkins growing and 3 have lots of orange while

the other 3 are just starting to turn color. I love watering

and watching and checking on them every morning.

Another attempt to be a blogger

Well here we go, Elizabeth keeps reminding me I want to blog and
don't so I told her I would try again. We will see if this works.
This would be a great way to stay in touch with the entire family
and do it with one post. I know I check Laurie and Elizabeth's
blog everyday to see what is new. I will attempt to keep up on
my blog as well and maybe get Joleane to add her blog also.

Thursday, August 28, 2008